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Friday, 17 May 2013

THE CLASS CEILING - contemporary romance - IS FREE!

Friday 17 May...THE CLASS CEILING is FREE...Downton Abbey in a contemporary school setting

Praise for The Class Ceiling:

'I read this book in one sitting, plied with tea and various whingeing noises from husband, son and dog.'

'This is a cracking debut from Kerry Fisher who manages to distill drama from the everyday lives of ordinary, flawed people.'

'The plot draws you in from the word go with some laugh out loud moments up front, and then keeps you turning the pages all the way to the end - with more than one twist thrown in!'

'Excellent first novel, Funny, entertaining and sometimes sad.'


  1. Congratulations, it is a really good story, I loved it!

    1. Thank you so much! So lovely of you to let me know. It's going to be republished in the summer by HarperCollins as the School Gate Survival Guide so don't buy it again by mistake (but do tell your friends!) Thanks again and all the best, Kerryx
